> 文章列表 > 中国春节起源英文介绍




Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important and unique traditional festival in China. It is celebrated to welcome the lunar calendar\'s new year.

The origins of the Spring Festival can be traced back thousands of years to ancient China. According to an ancient myth, there was a fierce monster named Nian who terrorized the villagers every year. Nian had the ability to swallow whole animals and destroy crops. The villagers were terrified and sought shelter from Nian\'s attacks.

One year, an old man with magical abilities came to the village and saw the fear in the villagers\' eyes. He decided to help them defeat Nian. He told the villagers that Nian was afraid of the color red, bright lights, and loud noises. So, the villagers decorated their houses with red lanterns and scrolls, set off firecrackers, and stayed up all night to ward off the monster.

When Nian arrived at the village, he was surprised by the vibrant red decoration, loud noises, and bright lights. He couldn\'t stand the commotion and fled into the mountains, never to return.

Since then, people have celebrated the victory over Nian by continuing these traditions during the Spring Festival. The color red is thought to bring good luck and scare away evil spirits, so it is used extensively in decorations. Fireworks and firecrackers are set off to create loud noises and drive away any lingering evil spirits.

Another important tradition during the Spring Festival is the reunion dinner. Family members gather from near and far to have a big feast together on New Year\'s Eve. It is believed that this dinner brings good fortune and symbolizes unity and happiness.

The Spring Festival lasts for fifteen days, starting from the first day of the lunar calendar. During this time, people visit relatives and friends, exchange gifts, and wish each other good luck and prosperity for the new year.

Overall, the Spring Festival is not only a time to celebrate the new year but also an opportunity for families to come together, strengthen their bonds, and cherish their traditions. It showcases the rich cultural heritage of China and the deep-rooted beliefs that have been passed down through generations.


The Chinese Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is an ancient festival that holds great significance in Chinese culture. Its origin and customs have been passed down for centuries.

According to legends, the Spring Festival originated from the myth of Nian, a ferocious monster that once brought fear and destruction to villages. The ancient Chinese people discovered that Nian was afraid of the color red, bright lights, and loud noises. From there, the customs of using red decorations, lighting firecrackers, and displaying lanterns emerged to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.

In addition to these customs, the reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve is a tradition that emphasizes family unity and harmony. Family members from all over the country make an effort to gather together and share a lavish meal, symbolizing prosperity and togetherness.

During the Spring Festival, people also exchange red envelopes called \"hongbao\" that contain money. It is a gesture of goodwill and blessings for the new year. Another important tradition is the lion and dragon dances, which are performed on the streets to drive away bad luck and bring fortune to the community.

Moreover, the Spring Festival serves as a time to honor ancestors and pay respect to the gods. Families visit temples to pray for good fortune and offer sacrifices. It is believed that these rituals will bring blessings and protection for the upcoming year.

The Chinese Spring Festival not only showcases the rich cultural heritage and traditions of China but also fosters a sense of community and rejuvenation. It is a time for individuals to reflect on the past year and express their hopes and dreams for the future.


The Origin of Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, dates back thousands of years and carries deep historical and cultural significance in China. Its celebration marks the beginning of the lunar calendar\'s new year.

The Spring Festival\'s origins can be attributed to the legend of Nian, an intimidating beast that terrorized villages. Nian had the ability to devour livestock and crops, causing havoc and fear among the villagers.

According to the legend, an old man unlocked the secret to overcoming Nian\'s threat. He discovered that Nian was afraid of the color red and loud noises. Inspired by this knowledge, people began decorating their homes with red lanterns and scrolls, burning bamboo to produce loud cracking sounds, and setting off firecrackers to ward off Nian\'s attacks.

As time passed, these rituals evolved into annual traditions associated with the Spring Festival. Red became the symbol of good luck and happiness, and fireworks and firecrackers became integral to the festive atmosphere.

Another notable aspect of the Spring Festival is the tradition of family reunion. It is customary for family members, regardless of distance, to gather for a celebratory feast on New Year\'s Eve. This reunion dinner not only signifies harmony and unity but also serves as an opportunity to honor ancestors and express gratitude for their blessings.

Throughout the fifteen-day Spring Festival period, Chinese people engage in various customs and activities. These include participating in traditional lion and dragon dances, giving and receiving red envelopes containing money as a symbol of good luck, and watching colorful parades and performances.

The Spring Festival, with its rich history and traditions, embodies the spirit of optimism, unity, and renewal. It is a time when the Chinese people come together to celebrate their cultural heritage and embrace the new year with open arms.


The Spring Festival, widely known as Chinese New Year, is the most significant traditional holiday in China. Its origins can be traced back thousands of years to ancient Chinese legends and beliefs.

One legend tells the story of Nian, a ferocious monster that would terrorize villages every year. To protect themselves, people discovered that Nian was afraid of loud noises, bright lights, and the color red. Thus, they began decorating their houses with red lanterns, wearing red clothes, and setting off firecrackers to drive away the menacing creature.

Over time, these customs became intrinsic to the Spring Festival celebrations. The color red, symbolizing good fortune and happiness, is prominently displayed in decorations, clothing, and gifts. Fireworks and firecrackers continue to be an essential part of the festivities, with their loud explosions believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck for the year ahead.

The Spring Festival is also a time for family reunions and expressions of gratitude. On New Year\'s Eve, family members gather for a sumptuous feast, exchanging blessings and well-wishes. This practice strengthens family bonds and honors the importance of filial piety.

Furthermore, the Spring Festival is marked by various cultural traditions. Temple fairs, lion and dragon dances, and local performances add to the festive atmosphere. People visit temples to pray for good fortune and leave offerings to deities as a sign of respect and gratitude.

Additionally, the zodiac animal plays a significant role in Chinese New Year celebrations. Each year is associated with one of the twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac cycle. For example, 2022 is the Year of the Tiger. These zodiac animals are often depicted in decorations and are believed to influence a person\'s fortune and character.

The Spring Festival is not just a time for joyous celebrations; it also acts as a bridge between the past and the future. It allows people to honor ancestral traditions while embracing the possibilities that lie ahead in a new year.


The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, has a rich and diverse origin that reflects the cultural heritage of China. It is a festival deeply rooted in ancient traditions and beliefs.

The origins of the Spring Festival can be traced back to the Shang Dynasty, over 4,000 years ago. In the earliest days, it was celebrated as a time to worship gods and ancestors, seeking their blessings for a prosperous year ahead.

Over time, the celebration evolved to include various mythologies and folklore. One prominent legend is the story of Nian, the beast whose terror was vanquished by the villagers using the power of red and loud noises. This legend became an integral part of the Spring Festival, with red decorations and firecrackers symbolizing protection from evil spirits and bringing good luck.

Additionally, the Spring Festival coincides with the turn of the lunar calendar, signifying the end of winter and the arrival of spring. It is a time of renewal and the start of agricultural activities. Farmers express gratitude for the previous year\'s harvest and pray for a bountiful one in the coming year.

Family unity and reunion are critical aspects of the Spring Festival. It is customary for family members, even those living far apart, to gather for a lavish feast on New Year\'s Eve. This reunion dinner symbolizes both the continuity of family traditions and the hope for a harmonious household.

Furthermore, the Spring Festival is marked by vibrant cultural traditions. Lion and dragon dances are performed on the streets, accompanied by the rhythmic beats of drums and cymbals. These performances are believed to bring good luck and fortune for the community.

The Spring Festival is a time for reflection, gratitude, and celebration. It represents the essence of Chinese values, such as reverence for family, respect for ancestors, and the belief in the cyclical nature of life.


The Origin of Chinese New Year, popularly known as the Spring Festival, can be traced back thousands of years in Chinese history. It is a festival deeply rooted in ancient customs and beliefs.

The Spring Festival dates back to the ancient times of the Shang Dynasty, around 16th to 11th centuries BC. It marked the transition from winter to spring and was celebrated as a time of renewal and hope for a fruitful year ahead.

One of the most fascinating legends associated with the Spring Festival is the story of Nian, a mythical creature who roamed the earth, causing destruction and chaos. The villagers soon discovered the monster\'s fear of loud noises and the color red. To protect themselves, they set off firecrackers and decorated their homes in red during the arrival of the new year, scaring Nian away.

As history progressed, the Spring Festival evolved and incorporated a range of beliefs and customs. It became an important occasion for ancestor worship, welcoming deities, and honoring household gods. People would clean their homes thoroughly, hoping to sweep away bad luck and make space for good fortune to enter.

In addition to these traditions, the Spring Festival is synonymous with family reunions and feasts. It is customary for family members, no matter the distance, to come together and share a celebratory meal on New Year\'s Eve. This practice symbolizes the importance of familial ties and fosters a sense of love and unity.

The Spring Festival is also characterized by various performances and activities. Lion and dragon dances, acrobatic shows, and regional customs add vibrancy and excitement to the festivities. People exchange gifts and red envelopes containing money as a symbol of good luck and to spread joy.

In essence, the Spring Festival signifies a fresh start, new beginnings, and the hopes and dreams of the Chinese people. It serves as a time to honor traditions, express gratitude, and embrace the spirit of togetherness.


The Chinese Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is a momentous celebration deeply ingrained in the rich tapestry of Chinese culture. It is an occasion that holds great cultural significance and encompasses a wide array of customs and traditions.

The origins of the Spring Festival can be traced back several thousand years to the Chinese agrarian society that revered the rhythms of nature. The festival honors the transition from the cold winter season to the beginning of spring, signifying renewal, growth, and the promise of a prosperous year ahead.

A central aspect of the Spring Festival is the reunion of families. Family members come together from all corners of the country, often traveling long distances, to spend time with loved ones during this special occasion. The reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve is a cherished tradition that represents unity, gratitude, and the continuation of family traditions.

Throughout the Spring Festival, certain customs and activities are embraced to symbolize luck, ward off evil spirits, and welcome good fortune. The streets are adorned with red lanterns, symbolic of prosperity and happiness. Firecrackers and fireworks are set off to drive away negative energy and create a festive atmosphere. Dragon and lion dances are performed to the rhythmic beat of drums, believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the community.

The Spring Festival is a time of profound spiritual significance as well. Temples are filled with devotees praying for blessings and making offerings to deities. It is also a time to pay respects to ancestors, with families visiting ancestral tombs to clean and honor their memories.

The celebration of the Spring Festival extends over fifteen days, each day marked by unique events and traditions. The Lantern Festival, which takes place on the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, signifies the end of the Spring Festival celebrations. Elaborately crafted lanterns are displayed, creating a magical ambiance.

The Chinese Spring Festival encapsulates the essence of Chinese culture and values, emphasizing the importance of family, community, and the cyclical nature of life. It is a time of reflection, gratitude, and joyful celebration.